Creations By Tiffany

Cost of the Letters, Frames, and Shipping Rates

New 6in white letters
Decoupage Picture Frames
Earth Friendly Household Cleaning Recipies
Going Green
Order Form for Letters and Frames
Cost of the Letters, Frames, and Shipping Rates
How to Pay
Pictures of Names in 9in letters
More Pictures of Names in 9in letters
All about the Decoupage Letters
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Cost of Letters:

The cost of the 9in letters are $8 per letter.  I know this seems high, but many people charge $10 a letter so I feel that $7 is a fair price. 
If you order more than 5 letters then you will just pay $7 a letter for all of your letters.
The cost of the 6in letters are $7 a letter.  If you order more than 5 letters then you will pay $6 a letter for all of your letters.
It is a flat rate of $5 per name. It is additonal for insurance so please let me know if you would like insurance.   I cannot be responsible for anything lost or damaged in the mailing process.  I do take great care in packaging your letters.  I also have never had any packages lost or damaged, but I know that it can happen.
I will let you know if shipping will be less if more names are purchased, I will use a flat rate priority box (the least expensive way since the letters weigh so much).  I will give you an exact total when you order!
Cost of Frames:
Each frame is $4.50 or 2 for $8
Shipping Prices for Frames:
I charge $2.00 for shipping one frame.  I give discounts for combined shipping.  Please ask about that in your order.

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