Creations By Tiffany

Order Form for Letters and Frames

New 6in white letters
Decoupage Picture Frames
Earth Friendly Household Cleaning Recipies
Going Green
Order Form for Letters and Frames
Cost of the Letters, Frames, and Shipping Rates
How to Pay
Pictures of Names in 9in letters
More Pictures of Names in 9in letters
All about the Decoupage Letters
Contact Info

Order Form:

At this time I am still trying to get an order form that you can fill out on my website, but since I am new at this and just starting please try and be patient with me.


Here is the form that you can fill out.  Please just copy and paste it into your e-mail and then fill it out in the e-mail and send to:


Once I receive your order form by e-mail I will send a response back within 24 hours to let you know that I received the order and will start creating your letters. 






Email and Telephone Number:


Name(s) that you want made: 


Paper and Emblishement colors you would like used:  (I usually like to use about 4 colors…I can use more or less depending on your taste)


Color scheme/theme of child’s bedroom:


Anything I should know about your child or your taste:  (ex: you want flowers/ no flowers/ daughter loves princesses…things like that)


Do you want me to send a picture of the first completed letter to make sure you like how it is starting to look? 


Do you want me to send a picture of the name completed name(s)? 

 Picture Frames and item number (s):


Quanity of picture frames:


Anything else:


Coupon Code:

Customer Order Form.doc